My Journey

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Yoga mama is back

I went to yoga last night and it felt so good. I haven't been to yoga in about 3 weeks, and I could tell that I was getting a bit rusty. We did quite a bit of standing poses (I haven't learned terminology yet). I held my balance pretty good, only tumbled over once. We also did one pose like the warrior, but she called it something different. I think the warrior is my favorite standing pose.

The good news, is because yoga has become so popular, they are now offering the class 3 times a week. I'm not sure if I could do 3 times a week, but I could most likely do 2 times a week. I'm just glad to be back doing it!

My daily affirmations:
  • I am a strong, beautiful women
  • I will strive to reach my weight loss goals and the other goals I have set for myself
  • I will concur my fear of rejection

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Vacation blues

I made it through vacation week without purging myself to death! Although, I'm not eager to go to the scale by any means, but I feel I did pretty well for myself. I had my Kashi breakfast every morning, but I ate really different the rest of the day.

I'm ready to start my exercise regimen again. I missed that very much over the vacation. I haven't exercised in about 10 days, and I'm totally feeling it. My body is so used to the routine that it has been rough without it. Back on the saddle again Monday.

My daily affirmations:

  • I will be ready to start my exercise regimen on Monday
  • I will be eating my fruit salads this summer instead of McDonald's Shakes
  • I am a strong, beautiful women

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My work out Music

Well, now that I am comfortable hiking on the trail to that large dune(I will have a photo some day, I promise I'm not making it up) I thought it might be time to strap on the Mp3 player and take it out for a spin up the hill. I was wondering what everyone listens to during their workout. Here is a list of my 22 songs to which I work out to:
  1. Getcha (Shania Twain)
  2. Let her cry (Hootie)
  3. How do you like me now (Toby Keith) **Volume increase**
  4. I got my game on (Trace Adkins)**one more notch**
  5. My Lovin (En Vogue)
  6. Don't get it twisted (Gwen Stefani)
  7. She's not just a pretty face (Shania Twain)
  8. 4 minutes (Madonna)
  9. Miss Independant (Kelly Clarkson)
  10. Piece of Me (Britney Spears)
  11. Last Name (Carrie Underwood)
  12. Girlfriend (Avril Lavigne)
  13. Hell Yeah (Montgomery Gentry)
  14. Hot Mama (Trace Adkins)
  15. My Prerogative (Britney Spears)
  16. Walk this way (Aerosmith)
  17. Wanted dead or alive (Bon Jovi)
  18. She's a hottie (Toby Keith)
  19. My Sacrifice (Creed)
  20. All the I got (Fergie)
  21. Fergalicious (Fergie)
  22. Clumsy (Fergie)

I have yet to have to workout going through the whole list, but maybe someday it will happen. It rained outside today so I wasn't able to make it to the dunes, but tomorrow sounds like a clear day!

Daily Affirmations:

  • I am a strong, beautiful women
  • I will drink 64oz of water to keep my body clean and healthy
  • I will keep challenging myself to do 1 more crunch, more 1 downward dog, 1 more plank etc...

Monday, June 2, 2008

We made it.

Natalie did some swimming at the Y today, but as of now I have discontinued my Y membership. I am deeply sad about this because I so loved my Yoga classes and my kick box cardio. My decision to do this came last week when I went to take Natalie to Swim Team practice and I was informed that Swim Team has been cancelled for the summer. I would exercise and do my classes while Natalie had swim team practice, so what would I do now? The Y does not offer any classes or activities for Natalie to do during the time I take my classes. She is too old to be in the Nursery, but too young to do the classes with me. I brought this to their attention, but it seems right now they are still catering to the non working mothers. So what do I do now? Well......

Crazy Tag and I made it all the way up the dunes today. Poor baby looked like a dog trying to go through snow drifts, but it was sand. When we made it to the top of the dune, we could see the top of the trees and the lake down below. It was so worth the climb, but Tag and I were beat when we were done. Talk about a cardio work out. Natalie made it too, she was busy picking the Snake Grass. That is some weird looking grass.

It was fortunate we didn't come across any snakes! Taggie did have to bark at some squirls, but all in all it was fun. Note to self, next time Bug Spray!

Daily Affirmations:
  • I am a strong, beautiful women
  • I will not let my size define me
  • I will meet those dunes with perseverance and determination!