My Journey

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Victoria Secrets

I've been busy this week so I haven't been able to blog as much as I like to. I had a normal week with my yoga classes and cardio workouts. Yesturday, I left work early and Natalie and I took a ride up to Kalamazoo to do some shopping.

This is what I noticed. Natalie and I walked into a HUGE panty sale at VS in the mall. I had 3 sales ladies waiting on me. Helping me find my correct size and colors etc. I remember when I was 80lbs heavier, when I would walk into VS, I would not even get a hello from a sales person. Noone would offer to help me, I was totally on my own. It is so true that people behave and treat you differently when you are heavier. Either the customer sales standards are better or it is true what they say about "looks are everything." Realizing I am now on the other side of this prejudice, it still makes me angry and hurt about the treatment of full figured women.

On the flip side of all this, I broke down and spent a small fortune on some "good bras." I bought 2 good ones, and I laugh to myself because when I look in the mirror at myself, I remember what it was like to have 23 year old boobs!

My Daily Affirmations:
  • I am a strong, beautiful women
  • I will not let my size define me
  • I will not become prejudice, for I once walked in those shoes

Friday, May 16, 2008

Fitness on Fridays


Daily Affirmations:

  • I am a strong, beautiful women
  • I will be proud of my body, not ashamed
  • I will live my life for today, not worry about tomorrow
Well to sum up my week, my diet wasn't exactly the best this week, however I did still do my workouts. Monday I did flexible strength, Tuesday I did the yoga and Wednesday I did the elliptical.
Today, the 3 of us went to the Y, Natalie had swim practice so Anthony and I went to the cardio strength center. I did 25 minutes on the elliptical, along with about 10 minutes on the treadmill. Then Anthony and I went and lifted weights and did the nautalis machines. The machines are nice, but I can never remember what my weight limit for each machine is. So I have to keep readjusting the limit. URGH!
After we finish the weights, I took a stability ball and did 100 crunches. I was definitely tired now. We had about 20 minutes left before Natalie was done, so we decided to play a little racket ball. Neither of us is good at it, so we spent more time laughing at each other then playing!
My goal for next week is to do more elliptical work, and more crunches! I need the flatter tummy!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Weight loss Wednesday


My daily affirmation for Wednesday:
  • I am a strong, beautiful woman
  • I am ready to loose these last few pounds
  • I'm not crazy for drinking 64oz of crystal light everyday
  • I will find time for a "work out" schedule for the summer months

It's been a little stressful here lately, so I haven't been able to really focus on much of anything. I think by doing the daily affirmations may help bring me back, and realize that I am so close to obtaining this goal of mine. It has been a long 2 years on this journey, so I am determined to get back to my self and focus. After all, just a few weeks until I have to wear that bikini!

I did 30 minutes on the elliptical today. I was surprised I lasted that long!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Dune Walk?

I didn't get to take my dune walk with crazy Tag, it was a cold, rainy day. It was still cold today!
I did my power flex class tonight. Natalie did it with me, although she gets distracted easily. So she only did a little of it and was off doing something else.

After reading "the skinny bitch" blog, I love the idea of having daily affirmations. So, I hope you don't mind, but I decieded to copy it!

Today's Affirmation:
  • I am a strong, beautiful woman
  • I have gone down 1 more size since February
  • I will keep striving for my goal of a size 10!


I didn't drink enough water today, so tomorrow I need to hit it hard. I will probably be in the bathroom all afternoon! Tomorrow night is Yoga night!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Fitness Friday

To wrap up my week, I did 3 yoga classes and 2 kick box cardios. I am exhausted, so I'm taking the weekend off.
I'm feeling stronger these days, however I've had some struggles with desire to exercise. Somehow, I worked through it obviously, but I think since the weather is getting nicer, I'd love to walk the beach or dunes near my home. I want to see if my dog can keep up with me. On the flip side of this, the struggle to go is also because my seasonal allergies have arrived. I'm on 2 meds to keep symptoms at bay.
What will they be like if I'm outside? hmmm.
Well, I suppose on Sunday I will see if crazy Tag, is up for a dune walk!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Weight Loss Wednesday

Definitely too much Yoga this week. However, I am really feeling the benefits. I feel stronger. I also feel like my butt should be a solid rock by now, but that is not the case!
This week, since the weather is nicer, I'd like to get outside more and walk the dog or something. I spend alot of time at our local Y, but now since the weather has broke, I'd like to take advantage of that. We live very close to Lake Michigan (2 miles) and would like to take advantage of walking the sand dunes. I'd like to see if my little dog could handle it too! I'll have to keep you posted on how that all works out! I'm sure she'd be up to it, but her small legs, I don't know.?? I'm figuring walking up the sand dune is equivalent to a yoga session! lol

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Am I nuts?

Last night, after work I thought I'd try something new to the routine. I went to the flexible strength class (which is power yoga) ugh! Then right after that I went to my kick box cardio class. What was I thinking? I am exhausted from holding the poses, and then I'm trying to do a cardio workout? Ha ha, joke is on me!

Never again. Those classes times should be switched around!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I'm on a roll

Ok, I had a wedding to go to today, so before I went there I decided to do a little shopping before hand. It's not everyday I get to shop in South Bend. I had 2 good things happen while I was shopping. First, I of course, needed to find something new to wear next weekend to a party, so I found some Capri's, the next size down and they fit. I did the happy dance in the dressing room. Natalie said I was doing the chest pump? Anyway, it was a moment!

The second good thing was I found a pink Nike backpack so now I can ride my bike to work with style! Oh, I forgot the third thing, it was on clearance for $7.50! I was definitely on a roll

Friday, May 2, 2008


It's a sad day. My favorite Y instructor has taken another "day" job over in Detroit. I'm so bummed. She taught my stability ball class, I just loved her. And now I'm not sure if they are going to continue that class through the summer. :(

It's been a good fitness week, though. I tried a new class, flexible strength. Trust me, I needed all the strength I could muster. It was good though, I might continue it on through the summer.

Tonight, I splurged and ate chinese, and then went to Kilwins for ice cream. Ok, this is not an every Friday night indulgent, but it was so good.