This is what I noticed. Natalie and I walked into a HUGE panty sale at VS in the mall. I had 3 sales ladies waiting on me. Helping me find my correct size and colors etc. I remember when I was 80lbs heavier, when I would walk into VS, I would not even get a hello from a sales person. Noone would offer to help me, I was totally on my own. It is so true that people behave and treat you differently when you are heavier. Either the customer sales standards are better or it is true what they say about "looks are everything." Realizing I am now on the other side of this prejudice, it still makes me angry and hurt about the treatment of full figured women.
On the flip side of all this, I broke down and spent a small fortune on some "good bras." I bought 2 good ones, and I laugh to myself because when I look in the mirror at myself, I remember what it was like to have 23 year old boobs!
My Daily Affirmations:
- I am a strong, beautiful women
- I will not let my size define me
- I will not become prejudice, for I once walked in those shoes