My Journey

Friday, April 25, 2008

Fitness Friday

Well its Friday again, TGIF! I did my normal routine this week with my cardio kick box, yoga, & stability ball. The stability ball class was a bit tougher this week, because we had a different instructor and she work us harder I think. My tummy muscle still ache!
Yoga was great this week too. We did more sitting poses this time, which you would think would be easier, but I can tell you, it wasn't! For beginners, it's hard to stretch past your feet! The stretching feels good though. At the end of the class, we did downward dogs, of course, my favorite!
The best part of the week was shopping for some clothes. I have a special training I have to attend for work tomorrow, and most of my clothes are falling off. So I went over to TJ Maxx tonight and went for my pant size, and then I took one size smaller. Hallelujah, something is working, I'm down a size! Progress is made. I will become the skinny bitch!

1 comment:

VICTORIA said...

I know how you feel! I was just able to buy one size smaller scrub pant for work. THAT WAS AWSOME!