My Journey

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Weight Loss Wednesday


Well here it is, another Wednesday, and nothing to report. I think I'm definitely at the plateau mark. I already know what this means. It's time to step up the game. What is my plan? I'm not sure yet!? I don't have much more time in the week to exercise any more than I already do. So I think it must mean I have to change the diet some more. YUCK!

With the gas prices continually on the rise, I have considered riding my bike to work. I'm fortunate enough to live about 2 miles from work. Although, there is a huge hill between us. :(

Ok, I need some motivation right? I asked for a pretty pink nike back pack, so at least I can be fashionable while riding my bike to work. Is that too much to ask?


Unknown said...

You go girl !!! Your doing awesome...

Jen said...

You look ABSOLUTELY fantastic! I found you by way of Bye Bye Fat Mommy's Fitness on Fridays. I'm enjoying reading this blog and really thank you for the motivation! You look great!! :)

mom_of2boys said...

Awesome job on your weight loss!! I found your link on Bye Bye Fat Mom's website.

I wish I lived that close to work. I would love to ride my bike to work - not just to save on gas but for the workout too. But I'm not going to ride it 30 miles!!

Michelle said...

Plateaus really stink, but you're right, just change up your exercise and nutrition and you'll continue to do great!

I think it's AWESOME you've lost 80 lbs already! WTG!

BITR Country Girl said...

I found your blog on Blog Catalog and I just wanted to say Hi and congrats on all the weight that you have already lost! I wish I was that lucky! I keep teeter tottering on the scale!