My Journey

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Yoga mama is back

I went to yoga last night and it felt so good. I haven't been to yoga in about 3 weeks, and I could tell that I was getting a bit rusty. We did quite a bit of standing poses (I haven't learned terminology yet). I held my balance pretty good, only tumbled over once. We also did one pose like the warrior, but she called it something different. I think the warrior is my favorite standing pose.

The good news, is because yoga has become so popular, they are now offering the class 3 times a week. I'm not sure if I could do 3 times a week, but I could most likely do 2 times a week. I'm just glad to be back doing it!

My daily affirmations:
  • I am a strong, beautiful women
  • I will strive to reach my weight loss goals and the other goals I have set for myself
  • I will concur my fear of rejection

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Vacation blues

I made it through vacation week without purging myself to death! Although, I'm not eager to go to the scale by any means, but I feel I did pretty well for myself. I had my Kashi breakfast every morning, but I ate really different the rest of the day.

I'm ready to start my exercise regimen again. I missed that very much over the vacation. I haven't exercised in about 10 days, and I'm totally feeling it. My body is so used to the routine that it has been rough without it. Back on the saddle again Monday.

My daily affirmations:

  • I will be ready to start my exercise regimen on Monday
  • I will be eating my fruit salads this summer instead of McDonald's Shakes
  • I am a strong, beautiful women

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My work out Music

Well, now that I am comfortable hiking on the trail to that large dune(I will have a photo some day, I promise I'm not making it up) I thought it might be time to strap on the Mp3 player and take it out for a spin up the hill. I was wondering what everyone listens to during their workout. Here is a list of my 22 songs to which I work out to:
  1. Getcha (Shania Twain)
  2. Let her cry (Hootie)
  3. How do you like me now (Toby Keith) **Volume increase**
  4. I got my game on (Trace Adkins)**one more notch**
  5. My Lovin (En Vogue)
  6. Don't get it twisted (Gwen Stefani)
  7. She's not just a pretty face (Shania Twain)
  8. 4 minutes (Madonna)
  9. Miss Independant (Kelly Clarkson)
  10. Piece of Me (Britney Spears)
  11. Last Name (Carrie Underwood)
  12. Girlfriend (Avril Lavigne)
  13. Hell Yeah (Montgomery Gentry)
  14. Hot Mama (Trace Adkins)
  15. My Prerogative (Britney Spears)
  16. Walk this way (Aerosmith)
  17. Wanted dead or alive (Bon Jovi)
  18. She's a hottie (Toby Keith)
  19. My Sacrifice (Creed)
  20. All the I got (Fergie)
  21. Fergalicious (Fergie)
  22. Clumsy (Fergie)

I have yet to have to workout going through the whole list, but maybe someday it will happen. It rained outside today so I wasn't able to make it to the dunes, but tomorrow sounds like a clear day!

Daily Affirmations:

  • I am a strong, beautiful women
  • I will drink 64oz of water to keep my body clean and healthy
  • I will keep challenging myself to do 1 more crunch, more 1 downward dog, 1 more plank etc...

Monday, June 2, 2008

We made it.

Natalie did some swimming at the Y today, but as of now I have discontinued my Y membership. I am deeply sad about this because I so loved my Yoga classes and my kick box cardio. My decision to do this came last week when I went to take Natalie to Swim Team practice and I was informed that Swim Team has been cancelled for the summer. I would exercise and do my classes while Natalie had swim team practice, so what would I do now? The Y does not offer any classes or activities for Natalie to do during the time I take my classes. She is too old to be in the Nursery, but too young to do the classes with me. I brought this to their attention, but it seems right now they are still catering to the non working mothers. So what do I do now? Well......

Crazy Tag and I made it all the way up the dunes today. Poor baby looked like a dog trying to go through snow drifts, but it was sand. When we made it to the top of the dune, we could see the top of the trees and the lake down below. It was so worth the climb, but Tag and I were beat when we were done. Talk about a cardio work out. Natalie made it too, she was busy picking the Snake Grass. That is some weird looking grass.

It was fortunate we didn't come across any snakes! Taggie did have to bark at some squirls, but all in all it was fun. Note to self, next time Bug Spray!

Daily Affirmations:
  • I am a strong, beautiful women
  • I will not let my size define me
  • I will meet those dunes with perseverance and determination!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Victoria Secrets

I've been busy this week so I haven't been able to blog as much as I like to. I had a normal week with my yoga classes and cardio workouts. Yesturday, I left work early and Natalie and I took a ride up to Kalamazoo to do some shopping.

This is what I noticed. Natalie and I walked into a HUGE panty sale at VS in the mall. I had 3 sales ladies waiting on me. Helping me find my correct size and colors etc. I remember when I was 80lbs heavier, when I would walk into VS, I would not even get a hello from a sales person. Noone would offer to help me, I was totally on my own. It is so true that people behave and treat you differently when you are heavier. Either the customer sales standards are better or it is true what they say about "looks are everything." Realizing I am now on the other side of this prejudice, it still makes me angry and hurt about the treatment of full figured women.

On the flip side of all this, I broke down and spent a small fortune on some "good bras." I bought 2 good ones, and I laugh to myself because when I look in the mirror at myself, I remember what it was like to have 23 year old boobs!

My Daily Affirmations:
  • I am a strong, beautiful women
  • I will not let my size define me
  • I will not become prejudice, for I once walked in those shoes

Friday, May 16, 2008

Fitness on Fridays


Daily Affirmations:

  • I am a strong, beautiful women
  • I will be proud of my body, not ashamed
  • I will live my life for today, not worry about tomorrow
Well to sum up my week, my diet wasn't exactly the best this week, however I did still do my workouts. Monday I did flexible strength, Tuesday I did the yoga and Wednesday I did the elliptical.
Today, the 3 of us went to the Y, Natalie had swim practice so Anthony and I went to the cardio strength center. I did 25 minutes on the elliptical, along with about 10 minutes on the treadmill. Then Anthony and I went and lifted weights and did the nautalis machines. The machines are nice, but I can never remember what my weight limit for each machine is. So I have to keep readjusting the limit. URGH!
After we finish the weights, I took a stability ball and did 100 crunches. I was definitely tired now. We had about 20 minutes left before Natalie was done, so we decided to play a little racket ball. Neither of us is good at it, so we spent more time laughing at each other then playing!
My goal for next week is to do more elliptical work, and more crunches! I need the flatter tummy!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Weight loss Wednesday


My daily affirmation for Wednesday:
  • I am a strong, beautiful woman
  • I am ready to loose these last few pounds
  • I'm not crazy for drinking 64oz of crystal light everyday
  • I will find time for a "work out" schedule for the summer months

It's been a little stressful here lately, so I haven't been able to really focus on much of anything. I think by doing the daily affirmations may help bring me back, and realize that I am so close to obtaining this goal of mine. It has been a long 2 years on this journey, so I am determined to get back to my self and focus. After all, just a few weeks until I have to wear that bikini!

I did 30 minutes on the elliptical today. I was surprised I lasted that long!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Dune Walk?

I didn't get to take my dune walk with crazy Tag, it was a cold, rainy day. It was still cold today!
I did my power flex class tonight. Natalie did it with me, although she gets distracted easily. So she only did a little of it and was off doing something else.

After reading "the skinny bitch" blog, I love the idea of having daily affirmations. So, I hope you don't mind, but I decieded to copy it!

Today's Affirmation:
  • I am a strong, beautiful woman
  • I have gone down 1 more size since February
  • I will keep striving for my goal of a size 10!


I didn't drink enough water today, so tomorrow I need to hit it hard. I will probably be in the bathroom all afternoon! Tomorrow night is Yoga night!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Fitness Friday

To wrap up my week, I did 3 yoga classes and 2 kick box cardios. I am exhausted, so I'm taking the weekend off.
I'm feeling stronger these days, however I've had some struggles with desire to exercise. Somehow, I worked through it obviously, but I think since the weather is getting nicer, I'd love to walk the beach or dunes near my home. I want to see if my dog can keep up with me. On the flip side of this, the struggle to go is also because my seasonal allergies have arrived. I'm on 2 meds to keep symptoms at bay.
What will they be like if I'm outside? hmmm.
Well, I suppose on Sunday I will see if crazy Tag, is up for a dune walk!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Weight Loss Wednesday

Definitely too much Yoga this week. However, I am really feeling the benefits. I feel stronger. I also feel like my butt should be a solid rock by now, but that is not the case!
This week, since the weather is nicer, I'd like to get outside more and walk the dog or something. I spend alot of time at our local Y, but now since the weather has broke, I'd like to take advantage of that. We live very close to Lake Michigan (2 miles) and would like to take advantage of walking the sand dunes. I'd like to see if my little dog could handle it too! I'll have to keep you posted on how that all works out! I'm sure she'd be up to it, but her small legs, I don't know.?? I'm figuring walking up the sand dune is equivalent to a yoga session! lol

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Am I nuts?

Last night, after work I thought I'd try something new to the routine. I went to the flexible strength class (which is power yoga) ugh! Then right after that I went to my kick box cardio class. What was I thinking? I am exhausted from holding the poses, and then I'm trying to do a cardio workout? Ha ha, joke is on me!

Never again. Those classes times should be switched around!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

I'm on a roll

Ok, I had a wedding to go to today, so before I went there I decided to do a little shopping before hand. It's not everyday I get to shop in South Bend. I had 2 good things happen while I was shopping. First, I of course, needed to find something new to wear next weekend to a party, so I found some Capri's, the next size down and they fit. I did the happy dance in the dressing room. Natalie said I was doing the chest pump? Anyway, it was a moment!

The second good thing was I found a pink Nike backpack so now I can ride my bike to work with style! Oh, I forgot the third thing, it was on clearance for $7.50! I was definitely on a roll

Friday, May 2, 2008


It's a sad day. My favorite Y instructor has taken another "day" job over in Detroit. I'm so bummed. She taught my stability ball class, I just loved her. And now I'm not sure if they are going to continue that class through the summer. :(

It's been a good fitness week, though. I tried a new class, flexible strength. Trust me, I needed all the strength I could muster. It was good though, I might continue it on through the summer.

Tonight, I splurged and ate chinese, and then went to Kilwins for ice cream. Ok, this is not an every Friday night indulgent, but it was so good.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Weight Loss Wednesday

Well, not much to report, still holding steady at 170 lbs. I went to a Kick box class yesterday morning, instead of my normal evenings and what a difference! I ran into my sis-in-law there and we did the class together. I really like that class better, it felt like more of a work out. She then talked me into staying for the next class which was a flexibility strength class. I thought this should be a piece of cake after what I just endured! HA! I thought I was pretty good getting the hang of yoga moves and stuff. OMG, that certainly was using all my strength. I was doing yoga moves, I never knew existed. But again, once I was done, I felt so much better.

Tonight, I just had a little time, so I ran into an exco-worker and I talked her into staying and doing the abs and more class. It's 30 minutes of pure crunches. When we were done, I thought she was going to tell me to take a hike, but she agreed to meet me tomorrow for stability ball. Yeah, I converted another one!

Anthony shot a turkey last night, we had grilled turkey. I thought is would taste gamy, but it was so good. It was very lean, no fat. That's my kind of dinner. We froze the rest of the bird for another lean meal! Thank you Anthony!

This is pretty much how I feel tonight!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Fitness Friday

Well its Friday again, TGIF! I did my normal routine this week with my cardio kick box, yoga, & stability ball. The stability ball class was a bit tougher this week, because we had a different instructor and she work us harder I think. My tummy muscle still ache!
Yoga was great this week too. We did more sitting poses this time, which you would think would be easier, but I can tell you, it wasn't! For beginners, it's hard to stretch past your feet! The stretching feels good though. At the end of the class, we did downward dogs, of course, my favorite!
The best part of the week was shopping for some clothes. I have a special training I have to attend for work tomorrow, and most of my clothes are falling off. So I went over to TJ Maxx tonight and went for my pant size, and then I took one size smaller. Hallelujah, something is working, I'm down a size! Progress is made. I will become the skinny bitch!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Weight Loss Wednesday


Well here it is, another Wednesday, and nothing to report. I think I'm definitely at the plateau mark. I already know what this means. It's time to step up the game. What is my plan? I'm not sure yet!? I don't have much more time in the week to exercise any more than I already do. So I think it must mean I have to change the diet some more. YUCK!

With the gas prices continually on the rise, I have considered riding my bike to work. I'm fortunate enough to live about 2 miles from work. Although, there is a huge hill between us. :(

Ok, I need some motivation right? I asked for a pretty pink nike back pack, so at least I can be fashionable while riding my bike to work. Is that too much to ask?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Kick Box

I'm getting ready to go to the Y to attend my Kick Box Cardio class. Over the weekend, we went to the Y to workout, but I struggled very much from boredom. I can't do the treadmill for 20 minutes, I'm so bored with it. So both Saturday and Sunday I did 1o minutes treadmill, 5 minutes of that machine I think its the olypical? and 10 minutes stair master. I think I'm the only one in the cardio center moving from machine to machine. And I have to listen to Fergie when I work out.
I made it through, so I look forward to my week full of classes to take. Yoga tomorrow, YEAH!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Fitness Friday #2


This week, I was back into the routine. I missed my kick box on Monday, but I did do Billie Blanks workout at home. I am proud to say that I did keep up with him pretty good. I have the kick box cardio workout DVD, and it's different from what I'm used to, but I made it through!

A brand new session of Yoga started on Tuesday, with some new faces in the bunch. My instructor mostly focused on the breathing and holding the poses this time. I struggle with more of the balancing poses, but I have to say my downward dog is looking better! Progress, progress :)

The stability ball class was last night, and I just love this class. The instructor incorporates yoga/pilates along with the ball, so lots of stretching and strengthening the core! I felt so good last night when I got home. Relaxed.....

My weigh in on Wednesday was disappointing, but I have noticed a difference in my stomach and legs. I keep telling myself, I'm building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. On the bright side, I didn't gain any weight either!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Weight Loss Wednesday

After watching TBL finale last night, I was so ready this morning to step on the scale and feel confetti streaming down on me......
My weight is the same as last week. Holding steady at 170.
I'm not going to feel discouraged yet, because while examining my muffin top belly a.k.a butt in the front, I have noticed much looser skin. So, pounds are holding steady, inches are still melting. Slooow progress, but there is progress. Could this just be muscle I'm building?
I really could use this....
Why is it that men have to grunt while they are weight lifting? I noticed that at the Y, they stand in front of the mirrors and grunt while they lift weights? Any ideas why?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Fitness Friday #1

This is my first Fitness Friday post. This was a strange week for me, because I didn't follow my normal routine, life got in the way. I did manage to make it to my kick box cardio on Monday, I tried a new class on Wednesday, abs and more (it was ugly) and last night I did the stability ball. I missed my yoga this week and I was really disappointed in that.

I had my normal diet this week. I had my kashi cereal for breakfast. I love kashi, it contains the highest amount of protein and fiber to keep you full until lunch. Lunch, however is a struggle, since I work in a medical clinic we have lunches brought in to us everyday, so I try to stay good. If its pizza, just one piece etc. Dinner, well that's been going OK, its mostly been on the run this week. If I cant get a "normal" dinner, I'll grab some yogurt with kashi granola for extra protein.

I don't feel like I've lost much pound wise. But I was applying lotion to my arms this morning and I noticed my skin has become more loose there. So the inches are melting, just not the pounds. So at least I can see some progress made for all the hard work this week!


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Weight Loss Wednesday

I don't have much to report for my weight loss this Wednesday. I did go to the Y and participated in a new class called abs and more. Trust me, you worked your abs. Lots of crunches, using the stability ball. My abs are a little sore tonight.

No pain, no gain......

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Do I measure up?

I thought I should measure and weigh myself, as a starting point for this blog so I know and can see my progress. So I totally braved it and stepped on the scale. To most people the scale is not our friend. It can be a harsh, cruel reality. I was prepared for it this morning. I figure if the contestants on the biggest loser can weigh in front of millions of people, I can suffer through it.
My weight this morning: 170.3 lbs still :(
My waist measured 35 inches
My hips measure 40 inches
My chest measured 34 inches
I felt like no accomplishments have been made. I've been exercising everyday, eating my protein, drinking my water, whats the problem?
Then in my self pity, I found old measurements. On March 3, 2007, I weighed 185.6 lbs, my hips were 45 inches, my waist was 35 inches. So I felt some what better, I had made some progress over the past 12 months.
But then next to those numbers were my starting measurements. OMG! I can't believe it. My hips were 53 inches, and my waist was 42 inches, and I weighed 250lbs.

I talked to an exercise physiologists today, and he assured me that these last 20lbs are the hardest for everyone. The body doesn't shed it off as much as it did when I was heavier. He encouraged me to continue my exercise regimen and the correct nutrition, and I will see results. It will just take longer.
So, hang in there! I'm a Mama on a Mission, watch out!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Lazy Sunday

My day today started out as a lazy Sunday. Lazy Sundays in our house are sitting on the couch all day and watch movies. So needless to say I had a very slow start today. Once I did get moving, I decided to go workout at the Y. I did 25 minutes of cardio, and then some strength training.

I actually was jogging on the tread mill today. I had my heart rate up to 180. Honestly, I wanted to die. It was horrible. But once I was done, I was better. I then went to the evil stair master machine. We are not good friends. I feel like swearing at it the whole time I'm on it. I've worked myself up to 10 minutes on it, and then I really feel like dying. What am I killing myself for? A bikini this summer, that's what for!

Next I went to strength training weight machines. I did the crunch machine(for my muffin top) and I did the leg machine. I did 2 (10) reps of each, and I wanted to go back home for my lazy Sunday.

My diet today was pretty simple. I had my normal Kashi cereal this morning, for lunch I had 2 chicken tenders. The best was dinner tonight. Anthony caught a coho from Lake Michigan, and he grilled that tonight. I had some fish, cottage cheese and some peas. It was yummy.

It was very hard today not to have a lazy Sunday, but once I'm home from working out, I felt so much better.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

From Flab to Fab

Hello, I wanted to start a blog to mark my progress on my weight loss. I have been overweight my whole life. About 2 years ago, I made the choice to finally do something about it. I was tired of being the fat mom. Natalie's friends mom were all thin. I was missing out on many things with Natalie, all because I was too heavy. I needed to loose at least 100 lbs. This is what I looked like 2 years ago when my journey began.

Today, I am much more healthier and 80lbs thinner. I have more weight to loose, to meet my personal goal.
The diet that works for me is 1500 calories per day, 30 grams of fat, and 60 grams of protein. Also 64oz of fluid (32oz of water). I've joined the YMCA and have a cardio routine with yoga.
This is me today
......stayed tuned